Deobfuscating the PowerShell Code to get IOCs

Malicious Actors often obfuscate the code to bypass the antivirus or to make the reverse engineering harder. Here I got a samples from Hybrid Analysis and will show you how to deobfuscate it. I’ve been enjoying these a lot and hope you will love it as well.
The sample that I got is of the document that has a hash: 7cb3fa5500d7ddbfa9631df5d3dff5.
You can get the sample of it from here. I’ll be using Notepadqq for my Ubuntu, but you can use Notepad++ if you are using Windows.

  1. Get the base64 of the code from here and decode it using
  2. I copied the decoded base64 stream to my notepad, but it doesn’t seem to be clear much.3oc
  3. Now delete some of those redundant characters to deobsuate the stream. Here I am replace those alphabets in ‘’ by ‘single space’, using “Replace all”.4oc5oc
  4. Not readable yet! But atleast we can see clear decimal format. So, I’ll be using to convert this piece into readable format.6oc
  5. Now you have those malicious links from where the payload will be downloaded.7oc70c

This is just a way to deofsucate the Malware code, you can do the same for others as well or you can use the available tools as well!!
Enjoy the fun stuff!! 🙂