Know more about your installed Debian Packages

Here you will find all the commands which will tell you about your debian packages.

1. Now, if you are looking whether you’ve downloaded packages or not , then try these commands:

apt-cache search 'foo*'

That is how you tell apt to search the packages you’ve downloaded.

2. Another command which do the same in some different way is:

dpkg-query -l 'foo*'

3. Now, if you want to see the description of your package, use something like this:

apt-cache show postgresql

This displays what the package is designed to do, version info and so forth.

4. Now, if you are wondering which all packages are installed in your system, run this on your terminal:

dpkg -l

5. Now if you are thinking of viewing all installed packages along with there description, use this one:

dpkg -l \*
dpkg -l '*'

These list all packages. (Without the star glob, dpkg only lists installed packages.)

5. To Finds installed packages marked to be purged, put this on your terminal:

dpkg -l \* | grep ^pi

6. This lists packages marked for installation, that aren’t installed yet.

dpkg -l '*' | grep "^i[^i]"
dpkg -l \* | grep '^[^i]i'

7. And if you are looking for installed package with all its files(with full paths), then how about this:

dpkg -L php5
gurpinder@gurpinder:~$ dpkg -L php5

How to change text color of icons on your desktop || Ubuntu 12.04

If you are jaded with text color of icons on your desktop, then don’t worry.

Here are simple steps which you can follow to change text color of icons on your desktop.

1. First go to path:


This path depends on theme you chose for your desktop. If you are using some other theme,then just replace my theme_name with yours.

2. Now, here you would find a file named “nautilus.css”. Just open it to make few changes.Look for a line (10th in my case):



3.Replace the @bg_color with hex-code of color you want. It would be better if you uncomment the above line and copy it to make changes.


4. Save the changes and enjoy new look of your desktop. 🙂

Why To Learn XML?

XML is everywhere and is now becoming very important for the web. I think there’s a hardly any field where you can avoid it. XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language and is designed to transport and store data.

A markup language is one which uses additional items (called markup) to create a document.

Now, you would be wondering what the word extensible mean here!!

XML is called extensible ( as it allows the author of the document to define the markup elements by their own.

This is really very easy to learn. For this, you need to have basic knowledge of HTML and javascript (these are one of the easiest languages in world).

XML is much like HTML. Here you must not confuse. These both languages are made for entirely different goals.

XML was designed to store as well as exchange data and HTML to display data. In XML, tags are not defined. You have to define your own.

Here you make all the commands (like a boss). So, you can call it a user made language.

XML does not DO anything, it is just to store and transport data. Infact, it is just information wrapped in tags.


Now, here’s question which usually comes into mind, why we need to learn XML then?


Its feature which really fascinated me is that it supports UNICODE. So every human language can be communicated using XML.

In XML, you can invent your own tags. Unlike HTML, you don’t have predefined tags here. XML is also platform independent and so technological changes doesn’t effect it.

A lot of new Internet languages are created with XML such as XHTML, RSS ,WSDL (for describing available web services ), SMIL (for describing multimedia for the web).


Now, if still these things dosen’t convince you, then I would say:

Why To Leave A Thing Which You Can Learn In About Half An Hour??


The only code which you need to learn in XML is:


<?xml version=”1.0″> and some grammar rules you need to follow.


Just take a look to this video to see what you can do in just four minutes 🙂




Today, I learned XML. I found a great XML tutorial in I love the way how they split difficult sections into numerous easy ways. Now I’m looking forward to learn latex.

I heard about latex in my GD family. I haven’t learned it yet, but  I know anything discussed  there is always something worth!!

Feeling privileged to be a part of such environment 🙂

QGIS – OSM Connection

Quantum GIS is open source software available under the terms of the GNU General Public License meaning that its source code can be downloaded through tarballs or the git repository. This is written in c++ and has some libraries in Qt.

QGIS  is GIS application  with which you can you can mange, edit, or visualize your map. Infact this is wonderful tool with which you can make your map beautiful.

Now,as we know that our OSM data consist of Nodes, Ways and Relations. Here I must not forget to mention again “OpenStreetMap is a web-based map to which any registered user can submit data.”

Node is a a latitude/longitude pair of coordinates.  A way is a list of at least two nodes  describing a linear feature like street, or something similar. And third one Relation is used to specify relationships between objects. This relation isn’t much clear to me but one can look here for more information.

And in Quantum GIS, these are displayed as three separate layers: Point layer, Line layer and Polygon layer.
All three layers are equally important.

The data that lives on the OpenStreetMap can be downloaded and used inside of a QGIS for geospatial analysis,  rendering, and for other geo-related tasks.

Now,what is thing that makes connection between our Standout, dignitary OSM data and Quantum GIS ?

The QGIS OpenStreetMap Plugin, plugin for  QGIS, adds support for OpenStreetMap raw vector data, bring it in as a layer either from .osm XML file or by direct download from the OpenStreetMap API. With it you can even edit or upload back to OSM data.


Screenshot from 2013-07-01 18:41:43